503-543-5471 The United States of America or Canada

  • (503) 543-5471 5035435471 +1 503 543 5471 Other number formats:
  • 2130 Number of search:
  • 2/5/2025 Last searched:
  • Rating:
    4 - Nuisance
  • 4 Number of comments:
  • 12/23/2013 Last comment:

If you received a strange call or unwanted SMS message from the phone number 503-543-5471, or just came across this number and you do not recognize it and want know who called you, you are not probably the only one. On this page, you can see the comments of the phone number 503-543-5471 from other people. If the phone number is often searched, so you can possibly find out who owns the number 503-543-5471 and other information about phone numbers.

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User comments of the number 503-543-5471

date comment
Posting Information On Possible Offender: These details are being posted from pubicly gathered data. The problem is so elusive and difficult to solve that law enforcement apparently has been unable (or unwilling) to address this issue. It is my hope that this information will help or inspire others to collect more information in an effort to shutdown this illegal business.

The data below was gathered when a user posted a phone number (1-800-892-9533) they were given to call them back.I called this number and spoke with an agent and it has been the same agency who has been calling repeatedly over the course of many months. This phone number led to the following information being discovered.

Pitch: Credit Card Reduction
Company: Credit Card Services (many names are used)

Scam Websites Assoicated with the Phone-Number:
[These sites give the same pitch given ove the phone]

[Website Owership Info]
Owner: Kimberly M Coarse
Home Address: 14508 Michener Trl Orlando FL 32828 (Goggle-Maps has the house blured out)
Email: businesswoman8884@gmail.com
Phone: 407-430-9184
Possible Age: 29

[Other Registered Domains]

Additional Addresses
Coarse Kimberly M - 14421 Paradise Tree Dr Orlando, FL 32828

[Shell Companies]

Green Power Group LLC
Assoicated Individual: Coarse Kimberly M
Website: greenpowersales.com
728 W. ave #188 Cocoa FL 32927 USA (Google-Maps Indicates Mobile Home)
888-580-7979 (busy signal)

Premier Services Plus LLC
Assoicated Individual: Coarse Kimberly M
2472 LAKE UNDERHILL ROAD SUITE 127 ORLANDO (Google-Maps Indicates UPS Post-Office)

Auto Guardian Usa, LLC
Assoicated Individual: Coarse Kimberly M
Orlando, Florida -- 14508 Michener Trl Orlando, Florida 32828-6460

Financial Savings Solutions
Assoicated Individual: Coarse Kimberly M
web: financialsavingssolutions.com
Phone: 800-892-9533 (Working 12/19/2013)
Email: financialsavingssolutions@gmail.com

Premier Marketing International.com
Assoicated Individual: Coarse Kimberly M
Web: Premiermarketinginternational.com
Phone: 800-607-1985 (Working 12/19/2013 )
Email: premieradvisorscare@gmail.com

Company Summary:
Kimberly's infromation appears scattered across these different organizations. In some instances they appear compeletely seperated with difficulty in determinig a connection. However, there are connections that tie all these organizations to the same individual. The single unifying one is that all the websites are tied to the same IP address (, hosting company (Endurance International Group), DNS provider netfirms.com, and the always helpful WHOIS data. This in combination of addresses and company names allows for identification to be tied to Kimberly.

The Green Power Group LLC seems to be a failed attempt to resell some power products. The website is incomplete, possibly it was a proof of concept or an attempt to resell products (or simply a front). The site indicates no company or identifyable data but does post some patent numbers (US PROVISIONAL SERIAL NUMBER 61/196,036, US REGULAR SERIAL NUMBER 12/579,030 , INTERNATIONAL PCT SERIAL PCT/US2009/060666) which point to an individual Jerry B Johnson. This person may have had business contacts with Kimberly Coarse. There is another 'reseller' in FL that appears to be selling his products as well.

Conserving Energy Now, LLC.
Jacksonville, FL 32225

Green Power Group LLC, is the organization that Kimberly Identifies with on all the above websites with public data. This could be the focal point of any financial transactions that are taken place . Things like webhosting need to be paid for and would likely be done through a company transaction. Many providers require such infromation, ironicly enough for fraud reasons.

There are some lesser kown information about the Premier Services Plus LLC. The fact it is linked to a UPS postal box makes it a likely canidate for where checks would be mailed. The location is about 15min from the home address. A wise move to dissaocciate the home address from the business address.Which brings up the curious question as to why the home address is blurred out in google, when none of the other homes are. The property isn't in a private neighborhood and seems rather odd for this one home to be targeted. The blurring isn't even that effective, if anything it brings more attention to it.

Final Note: With millons of dollars at stake it is possible that this individal doesn't exist. A fabrcation allowing people to chase. However, there is a paper trail here that can be followed and some things verified. The house address likley has public infromation on ownership that could be confirmed. (I couldn't find it but those in her local area may know how to). Some money could be spent to run a background check. The companies providing hosting for these services can provide logs and financial records (should law enforcement get involved).

[Phone Numbers] - This organization spoofs (fakes) the numbers they really use. Making calling them back impossible. Also makes tracking them difficult as well.


Unknown Neutral
Hijacked number. Illegal telemarketing call. Credit card phishing scam. They change phone numbers every three days. They will keep calling you indefinitely...every day. Its been 1 year every day for me. FCC does nothing, they can't catch them.
Telemarketing Negative
I answered the phone. No response. Call was disconnected shortly thereafter.
Unknown Negative
Credit card consolidation telemarketing.
Telemarketing Negative